Is your organization ready to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize your sales and marketing efforts? Are you struggling to find ROI for your AI initiatives? At Applied PhD Research & Marketing, we will help identify how your team can integrate AI technologies to provide strategic insights and drive impactful sales and marketing outcomes.

Utilizing our Research-Pyramid approach, we will help your team harness AI to analyze vast datasets, identify trends, and predict customer behaviors. Our AI solutions are designed to enhance personalization, optimize targeting, and improve customer engagement across all digital touchpoints.

Our AI in Sales/Marketing services include:

  • Predictive Analytics: Forecast sales trends and customer needs to stay ahead of the competition.
  • Customer Segmentation: Use AI to identify and target high-value customer segments with precision.
  • Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Enhance customer interactions and streamline support with AI-driven chat solutions.
  • Content Personalization: Deliver tailored content and recommendations to increase engagement and conversion rates.
  • Marketing Automation: Automate repetitive tasks and optimize campaign performance with intelligent algorithms.
  • Generative AI for Content Creation: Leverage AI-powered tools to create compelling marketing content, from blog posts to social media updates, ensuring your brand message is consistent and engaging.
  • + more

Sales Team Training with xiQ

At Applied PhD Research & Marketing, we provide specialized training for sales teams to effectively utilize AI tools like xiQ, transforming how your sales team connects with potential clients through AI. Our training programs include:

  • AI and the Sales Process:  Salesforce training on using AI for lead generation and qualification, pre-planning, close likelihood/predictive readiness to buy, emails and cover letters, LinkedIn messages, sales call analysis, post call recommendations, among many other opportunities.
  • Understanding Buyer Insights: Learn to use AI tools to discover prospect company and buyer personality insights, allowing for authentic connections with your audience.
  • Sales Strategy Development: Develop personalized sales strategies based on AI, neuroscience, and psychological principles, tailored to different stages of the buying process.
  • Enhanced Engagement Techniques: Master the use of generative AI tools to craft highly personalized emails and other communications, increasing engagement and response rates.
  • Effective Use of AI in Sales: Train your sales team to leverage AI-powered assistants like xiQ’s Gilroy, which conducts strategic account analysis, gathers sales insights, and helps prepare for meetings.
  • + more

Check out our other research and strategic marketing services.